Samsung dispersed free Galaxy S9 cell phones in a city called 'Apple'.

Samsung dispersed free Galaxy S9 cell phones in a city called 'Apple'. 

The organization works with a multi-year old Apple fan. The Samsung Mobile Manager of the Netherlands said in a report that, through this crusade, we needed to share our message diversely among the general population. 
Samsung dispersed free Galaxy S9 cell phones in a city called 'Apple'.
Samsung dispersed free Galaxy S9 cell phones in a city called 'Apple'. 

South Korean cell phone and electronic goliath Samsung has brought another showcasing effort. Under this battle, the organization appropriated 50 Samsung Galaxy S9 gadgets in the Netherlands for nothing. So now you should ponder what was this exceptional in this town which Samsung did? So reveal to you this isn't such a town however it is an alternate sort of town. Samsung went to this town in light of the fact that the name of this town was 'Appel', which signifies 'Apple' in Dutch dialect. 

As indicated by a report of Phone Arena, the organization has 50 new cell phones among 312 individuals in this town. Tell us that the organization works with a multi-year old Apple fan. The Samsung Mobile Manager of the Netherlands said in a report that, through this battle, we needed to share our message diversely among the general population. 

He additionally said that we will likely reach whatever number individuals as could be allowed and to tell about the Samsung Galaxy Note 9. On the off chance that you are coming to watch our crusade in advance, you will find that we have done this previously and we will keep on doing it significantly further to contend with Apple.